In terms of the VA disability claims process, it is more beneficial for a veteran to obtain a higher disability rating. It gives them more chances of acquiring more monetary benefits.
Although most veterans aim to get a VA rating of 100%, since it offers more benefits, there are a decent and fair number of benefits for 90% VA disability benefits.
On our VA claims page, we can equip you with the correct knowledge through our coaching sessions on how to navigate the VA claims process. But what does a 90% VA disability get you? And most importantly, how can you get it? Let this blog post be your guide to 90% VA disability and its benefits.
The Benefits You Will Get When You Achieve a 90% VA Disability Rating
In 2024, the compensation rate for the 90% VA rating will be $2,241.91 for a single veteran. And here is the other financial aid that you can get with your dependents:
- Veteran and Spouse – $2354.39 (an additional $166 is given if your spouse needs assistance.)
- Veteran, Spouse, and Parent: $2,500.39
- Veteran, Spouse, and Parents: $2,645.39
- Veteran and Parent: $2,318.39
- Veteran and Parents: $2,464.39
- Veteran, Spouse, and Child: $2,487.39.
- Veteran and Child: $2,293.39
- Veteran, Spouse, Parent, and Child: $2,632.39
- Veteran, Spouse, Parents, and Child: $2,778.39
- Veteran, Parent, and Child: $2,439.39
- Veteran, Parents, and Child: $2,584.39
Veterans with a 90% rating can receive an additional $90 per month for each additional child under 18, and for those over the age of 18 who are still in school, the veteran can receive a monthly payment of an additional $291. Besides the monthly compensation, having a 90% VA rating can provide you with tons of other benefits.
VA Pension
Otherwise known as the Veterans Pension, it is a tax-free monthly benefit based on financial need, disability, and age. Those with a 90% VA disability rating can receive these as long as they were discharged under different conditions other than dishonorable.
Life Insurance
The VA offers life insurance benefits, giving veterans and their families the security of being protected. Due to the risk factors involved in military service, there are veterans’ life insurance options, which include Veteran’s Group Life Insurance (VGLI) and Serve Disabled Veterans Life Insurance (S-DVI).
Home Loan
Banks or mortgage companies provide the funds for buying, repairing, and maintaining homes for veterans with 90% disability. The VA has implemented it as a benefit to guarantee that veterans and active military personnel receive favorable mortgage terms. Veterans can benefit from lowered interest rates and lower down payments.
Health Care
If you have a 90% VA disability rating, the VA can provide you with various health care benefits, which include:
- Hospitalization services
- Mental health care
- Prosthetic items and aids
- Dental care
- Preventive care
- Eyeglasses
- Hearing aids
The VA also grants veterans other health care benefits, such as emergency care at a non-VA facility and foreign medical care, subject to certain conditions.
If you have dependents, the VA can also grant you additional compensation for eligible dependents and education assistance. There are also scholarship and educational programs for your dependents, which they can claim if you indeed have a 90% VA disability rating.
If you have a 90% VA rating and may not qualify for a 100% VA rating, you may also qualify for the Total Disability Individual Unemployability program. It is additional compensation for veterans unable to maintain or gain employment due to their disability.
Criteria to get a 90% VA Rating
You can get these benefits and many more, but the question is how to get 90% VA disability benefits. And what are the criteria to get it? To gain eligibility for these benefits, a veteran must have the following:
- Served on active duty.
- Service-connected disability for their conditions.
- The veteran sustains their injuries while in service.
- Has a pre-existing illness but is aggravated during service.
Key steps to consider to be completely eligible for VA benefits and obtain a 90% VA rating.
Medical Documentation and Evidence
Update your medical records and provide evidence that shows your disability is aggravated. The VA will require this to be as detailed as possible, so be precise about your conditions.
Report your injuries and disabilities
If you feel that you have gained a new illness or disability that you know is service-connected, file a claim immediately. Each claim can contribute to your overall rating and may increase your benefits.
Keeping up with medical appointments
It is crucial to conduct regular checkups to guarantee that you have the most up-to-date medical records. These are necessary for your VA claims.
Tips for Navigating the VA Claims Process
The VA disability benefits can be invaluable to a veteran with a disability. It becomes simple once you understand how to apply for a VA disability and navigate the system.
That is why Just4Veterans is here for you. We can offer coaching services and provide you with the resources to navigate your way to obtaining the correct VA benefits and VA claims process.
So, if you are a veteran who has never filed a claim, has filed a claim but is still hoping for a higher rating, or has filed a claim but was denied, Just4Veterans can provide assistance and mentoring.
Just4Veterans is a devoted veteran coach that strives to assist all veterans looking for help in processing their claims and achieving the appropriate rating and disability compensation. You may book a free strategy call to directly reach our veteran coaches. You may also visit our VA claims assistance page to learn more about us.