
Understanding 100% VA Disability Rating

The VA assigns a disability rating for veterans with service-connected conditions to provide financial compensation, support and other benefits. This is a way for the VA to recognize a veteran’s…

VA Disability Benefits for Tinnitus

One of the most common conditions that affects veterans is tinnitus, a symptom known as ringing in the ears without any external source. Despite its prevalence among many veterans, there…

A Guide to VA Diagnostic Codes

The VA benefits system can be an overwhelming process especially, if you do not have the proper information on how to navigate through its process. One of the most essential…

DISCLAIMER : Just4Veterans LLC is NOT an accredited agent, attorney, entity or VSO recognized by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and is not affiliated with the VA in any way. Veterans shall prepare and file their own claim with an accredited representative, who may offer their services for FREE. Veterans may search for and appoint an accredited VSO.