Ish Ramirez

Veteran Coach | MGySgt USMC Retired

Ismael “Ish” Ramirez is originally from San Diego. He joined the United States Marine Corps in February 1990 and retired in March 2020 after thirty years of faithful service; he retired at the rank of Master Gunnery Sergeant. Ish is 100% P&T, which he was awarded upon his retirement. He was fully retired and decided to join the J4V team to assist other veterans who are stuck, frustrated, and need help navigating through the VA claim process. Ish’s hobbies include woodworking, traveling, and spending time with his family.

DISCLAIMER : Just4Veterans Enterprise is NOT an accredited agent, attorney, entity or VSO recognized by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and is not affiliated with the VA in any way. Veterans shall prepare and file their own claim with an accredited representative, who may offer their services for FREE. Veterans may search for and appoint an accredited VSO.