Michelle San Agustin
USAF, Retired. 100% P&T
Michelle was born in the Philippines to an Air Force family and spent much of her childhood in Fort Walton Beach, Florida. She followed in her family’s footsteps, enlisting in the Air Force in 2004, two years after graduating from high school, where she specialized in Health Services Management. After two decades of dedicated service, she retired in 2024 with 100% Permanent and Total Disability (P&T).
During her distinguished career, Michelle worked in various roles, including clinical support, records management, and resource management. Her assignments took her across the globe, serving at stations in Texas, Germany, Guam, Washington D.C., Maryland, and Virginia.
A lifelong passion for helping others has always driven Michelle, and in her post-military career, she now channels that same energy into supporting fellow veterans.
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