The Value of a VA Personal Statement in Submitting Your Claims

When it comes to submitting a VA disability claim, obtaining medical evidence and securing proper documents from doctors and other VA-affiliated medical establishments are necessary.

These guarantees ensure that your claims and the injuries you’ve sustained are service-related and critical to your process.

We offer coaching services on how to file a VA disability claim and garner the appropriate VA claim rating.

Besides medical documents, a VA personal statement is one of the most beneficial reports you can have when filing a VA disability claim.

But what exactly is a VA personal statement, and what is its importance?

What is a VA Personal Statement?

VA personal statements enable a veteran to inform the VA on how their service-related injuries are affecting their lives and how they function.

It is an opportunity to ensure that an accurate evaluation of your conditions will receive a proper rating, resulting in proper compensation.

Although a VA disability personal statement will not ensure that you can obtain a rating, it does help present a narrative that other evidence may not supply, since it touches more on the personal side of the veteran’s lifestyle.

Importance of a VA Personal Statement

VA claims your personal statement helps to detail your illness and disability, confirming its frequency and severity.

It illustrates the disability, further fostering a sense of human connection for VA raters.

It can also present an opportunity for the veteran to explain any discrepancies in the existing medical records.

Additionally, it speeds up the development of your claim and improves your rating.

For reference, you are welcome to bring a copy of your personal statement to your Compensation & Pension (C&P) exam.

Writing a VA claims personal statement is beneficial, especially for the Compensation & Pension (C&P) exam, as it gives veterans adequate knowledge of their condition and gives them preparation when asked about their injuries during their examination.

It is not uncommon for veterans to forget details when discussing their conditions with the examiners. To ensure the most accurate assessments for veterans, a clear picture of the veteran’s condition’s history and current treatment plan is important. Let’s explore ways to improve communication and information sharing between veterans and VA raters.

In a written document, a VA personal statement can address these points and serve as a reference during the evaluation.

But how can you craft the perfect VA personal statement?

Tips for Crafting Your VA Personal Statement

A personal statement for a VA claim should be concise and contain a few paragraphs.

When crafting a VA personal statement, it is critical to include the following:

  1. You are claiming a VA disability.
  2. The first signs or symptoms of your condition.
  3. Accurate and brief details about your injuries, whether caused by an accident or an aggravated illness,
  4. Medical treatment you are receiving
  5. The impact of your condition and how it affects your life, work, and social functioning.

You should also avoid adding:

  • Self-diagnoses
  • Speculative medical claims
  • Offensive languages
  • Complaints about the VA
  • Irrelevant personal history
  • Inappropriate details
  • Accomplishments and/or achievements
  • Controversial opinions
  • Blaming someone for your condition

Additionally, you will need to avoid embellishing your conditions and lying about them, as it offers the risk of perjury.

It is important to provide detailed accounts of what you are going through, but too much detail may make it difficult for the VA rater to understand the severity of your claim.

Here is one example:

My service in (branch of service) during the years (indicating starting year and end year) exposed me to traumatic events affecting my mental and emotional well-being.

(Briefly indicate the experience you have had; if you are making a mental health claim, explain the trauma you experienced; if you are making a physical injury claim, explain the incident or accident that caused your injury.)

(You may also include the symptoms of the injury.)

e.g. These experiences have led to severe social anxiety and PTSD. I have constant thoughts of suicide, severe panic attacks, major depressive disorder, unprovoked irritability, and an inability to maintain a long-lasting relationship. I also have some periods of violence, intrusive memory, avoidance behaviors, and hyper-vigilance nightmares.

(You may also indicate the steps you have taken to obtain a medical remedy.)

I have actively sought help for my condition through psychiatrists, medical professionals, therapists, and support groups. I have medical records that address my condition.

I am having trouble maintaining meaningful relationships due to my unprovoked irritability, which even affects my employment and engagement in social activities.

My goal is to obtain VA disability compensation to alleviate the financial burden resulting from these difficulties, as well as to secure resources and assistance to restore a semblance of normalcy and functionality.

After writing your VA personal statement, you will need to complete VA Form 21-4138.

The VA Personal Statement Form 21-4138 requires basic information such as your name, date of birth, contact information, address, and social security number.

Always keep in mind to answer everything on the form to avoid any delays in your claim.

You can either submit the form online at a VA regional office or mail it to:

Department of Veterans Affairs

Evidence Intake Center

PO Box 4444

Janesville, WI 53547-4444

If you need a proper guide, then our coaching services are for you. We provide you with the proper knowledge, making your claims as seamless and simple as possible. You can book a free strategy call to directly contact our veteran coaches and get appropriate VA claim assistance. You may also want to visit our VA claims assistance page to learn more about us. 

DISCLAIMER : Just4Veterans LLC is NOT an accredited agent, attorney, entity or VSO recognized by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and is not affiliated with the VA in any way. Veterans shall prepare and file their own claim with an accredited representative, who may offer their services for FREE. Veterans may search for and appoint an accredited VSO.