When Should You Receive Your Disability Pay

Disability pay and compensation are monthly tax-free benefits veterans receive from the VA if they have service-related injuries from any military branch or were honorably discharged. Eligibility for this benefit ranges from mental or physical condition if it is directly linked to their military service.

As soon as the VA makes a decision about your VA rating, you can claim your disability pay. In some unfortunate circumstances, the VA can take more time to reach a decision and may depend on several factors.

One of these reasons is you filed your VA claim, which is solvable with our services. J4V is a dedicated veteran coaching firm that can make filing your claims and receiving your disability rating payment much quicker.

What to Expect After You Get Your VA Disability Rating?

Once you receive a decision notice from the VA, your VA disability rating is official and confirmed, and you can receive your VA benefits and compensation. Note that your rating depends on the severity of your disability, and it can range from 10% to 100%.  It gives you the official VA benefits, or a disabled veteran’s pay.

Veterans’ disability pay ranges from:

  • Financial compensation
  • Healthcare, and/or
  • Job training.

These benefits can be extended to your spouse or eligible dependents if you follow the Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) process. You may know more about it here.

Factors Contributing to Extend Wait Times for VA Benefits

VA’s decision notice indicates your rating; if you at least received a 10% disability rating, you should receive your first payment within 15 days (about 2 weeks) via direct deposit or check. These notices can take a while, especially if they encounter the following factors: 

  1. People file multiple claims: Filing multiple claims for service-connected disabilities requires a thorough evaluation of each of your individual conditions. It requires a physical examination by the VA, which may take longer to review. 
  2. The process of compiling evidence and record: Compiling evidence from your military medical and personnel records is necessary to evaluate your claim. Medical evidence is critical for the VA’s to finalize your claim and ensure that your    injuries and disabilities are related to your military service. 
  3. Incomplete or missing documents: Documentation and information are part of the evidence in your claim. A missing document and information may result in a deferred claim, a claim that is neither approved nor denied, requiring  you to provide VA with more information about your claim before reaching a decision.   

What Can You Do If You Don’t Receive Your VA Disability Payment?

After receiving your first veterans’ disability pay within 15 days (about 2 weeks) from the moment of your claim approval, succeeding payments should arrive on the first day of each month.

If the first day of the month falls on a holiday or a weekend, you should receive your payment on the last business day of the previous month.

Delays can also occur due to software issues or postage delays. In the event that none of these falls under the reason why you didn’t receive your VA disability payment, it will be best to contact VA directly.

VA Disability Payment Schedule for 2024

Disability payments processed in the year 2024 make you eligible to receive a 3.2% increase in your benefits. Here is the VA disability pay schedule and the days it corresponds to for the year 2024. 

MonthPayment DateDay of Week
JanuaryFeb. 1Thursday
FebruaryMar. 1Friday
MarchApr. 1Monday
AprilMay 1Wednesday
MayMay 31Friday
JuneJuly 1Monday
JulyAug. 1Thursday
AugustAug. 30Friday
SeptemberOct. 1Tuesday
OctoberNov. 1Friday
NovemberNov. 29Friday
DecemberDec. 31Tuesday

Is your VA Disability Rating permanent?

Most veterans have the misconception that VA disability ratings are permanent. The VA mandates all disabled veterans to undergo reassessments of their conditions every two to five years. The VA needs to evaluate the following: 

  • Health Status
  • The probability of your conditions improving, or any possibilities of it declining
  • Treatment and medication effectiveness
  • Other factors in your disabilities and injuries that is service-related

Once the VA discovers any changes in your health conditions compared to your previous medical examination, they will need to assign a new VA disability rating. Sometimes the VA will decrease your disability rating during the reevaluation of your condition. However, if you have a permanent and total disability rating, such as a missing limb, you are exempt from any alterations to your VA rating.

Inaccuracies in evaluation are common in the VA process, decreasing or discontinuing the benefits veterans receive. One can solve these circumstances and subject them to an appeal. It will follow the reevaluation process for reassessing your disability status.

If you need help in the appeals process, then you may reach out here at Just4Veterans. It is our goal to make your VA claim process as seamless and simple as possible. You can book a free strategy call to directly contact our veteran coaches and get the correct assistance in obtaining your VA disability claims. You may also visit our VA claims assistance page to learn more about us.

DISCLAIMER : Just4Veterans Enterprise is NOT an accredited agent, attorney, entity or VSO recognized by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and is not affiliated with the VA in any way. Veterans shall prepare and file their own claim with an accredited representative, who may offer their services for FREE. Veterans may search for and appoint an accredited VSO.