A lot of times, the VA may deny your request for VA benefits claims assistance. For veterans, receiving a VA disability denial letter is extremely disappointing, especially since you have just gone through a long and arduous process of filing your claims. The VA claims denial is nothing new for veterans. In fact, VA disability claim denial cases occur 30% of the time each year.
Veterans using services like the VA travel pay program to attend their Compensation & Pension (C&P) exams should ensure all necessary documentation and appointments are in order. Missing such appointments or providing incomplete evidence can lead to claim denial.
Reasons for VA Claim Denial
Here are some of the VA claim denial codes that classify all circumstances or processes that can result in VA claim rejection:
Failure to supply any PROOF for Service-Related Injuries
VA disability claims denial often occurs if there is no substantial proof that your injuries are service-related. Hence, the VA requires medical and service records that prove your disability occurred during your active line of duty.
Failure to submit proof of the disability for a veteran claim will most likely result in a VA disability claim denial.
Incomplete evidence to support VA claims
One of the most crucial aspects of filing VA benefits claims assistance is guaranteeing that you have complete evidence to support any service-related injuries. It is completely understandable that gathering proper documents is incredibly time-consuming, but it is an essential step to guarantee that you receive your VA assistance.
Unable to confirm specific diagnosis or veteran made a recovery
There should be an identifiable medical condition directly related to your military service that requires a medical diagnosis from a healthcare provider. If the veteran sustained an injury but made a full recovery, it will result in VA claim denial.
Failure to show up on your Compensation and Pension Examination
It is mandated for the VA to ask you to take a Compensation and Pension (C&P) examination that helps determine the conditions of your injuries or disabilities. It helps them identify whether or not your injuries are service-connected, which ultimately leads to your qualification for gaining compensation. Failure to show up in this process can result in your VA claim being denied.
Your injuries are not service related
Determining if your injuries or disabilities are service-related is vital for your eligibility to obtain a VA benefit. If the VA confirms that your injuries are not service-related, independent from your time in the military, or that they were pre-existing and weren’t made severe during your service, then there is a high probability that your VA claim can be denied.
Your VA Rating does not qualify for any VA claims
Although you can receive a VA rating for a specific diagnosis and confirm that it is service-connected, there is still a chance that your VA claim can get denied if you receive a rating of less than 10%. It can be due to a lack of medical records or buddy statements.
In most cases, however, VA claim denial occurs through no fault of the veteran. Hence, you may file an appeal with the VA or file for a reconsideration.
Claim Denied: How to Appeal a VA Denial of Benefits
It can be challenging to appeal a VA denial of benefits. Undergoing this process can be challenging due to the long processing times and the expanding backlog of other pending appeals denied by the VA.
The veteran may file for an appeal or some “reconsideration.” It is important to note that filing an appeal and filing for reconsideration are entirely different procedures.
Filing for an appeal
Filing for an appeal involves several decision reviews, such as the following:
Supplemental Claim
It involves submitting new and relevant evidence and a request to review your claim to align with new regulations developed by the VA, such as the PACT Act.
Higher-Level Review
This will involve the attention of a higher-level reviewer, which can determine whether there is an error or a difference of opinion. A higher-level review is often completed in an average of 4 to 5 months.
Boards Appeal
This involves filing an appeal with the Veterans Law Judge, who is an expert in veterans law at the Board of Veterans Appeals. You may request a direct review, submit new evidence, or request a hearing.
After requesting a decision review, the VA will send a letter that includes the details of your case. It can either be a finalized decision or the VA simply requires additional information about your VA claim.
It is critical to make an informed choice when facing a denied claim. You will need to understand the complexities and other difficulties that can aid you in protecting your rights as a veteran, and if it can be too complicated, Just4Veterans is here for you.
Here at Just4Veterans, we guarantee to make your appeals claim easy and get you the right VA benefits you need. With our dedicated veteran coaches, who understand the VA process from the inside out, we can ensure that you will obtain the help you need.
Our long list of experience assisting veterans gives us the knowledge to navigate even the most complicated process of filing a claim. You may schedule a strategy call with our veteran coaches here.