What does your VA Disability Rating mean?

Your VA disability rating will determine the amount of compensation you are eligible for, depending on the severity of your disability. It is a gauge of how it is impeding your current ability to live and function.

Understanding your VA disability rating and filing for VA claims assistance can help veterans treat these disabilities to help them and their loved ones acquire compensation to improve their lifestyles. Just4Veterans has recognized the need to get help from veteran coaches and get VA claim assistance.

However, in order to completely understand how to file a VA claims assistance, we must first understand what a VA disability rating is and how it is gauged.

What is VA Disability rating?

A VA disability rating is a percentage allocated to a service-connected disability that will depend on its severity. The purpose of disability ratings is to provide compensation for veterans for the average loss of earning capability caused by their service-connected illness. The percentage is meant to reflect the severity of the condition—how much it interferes with the veteran’s ability to work and function in daily life.

A 0% grade implies that the ailment has little or no effect on the veteran’s ability to function. The VA Disability Rate is then raised in 10% increments (10%, 20%, 30%, and so on) until they reach 100%. A 100% grade indicates that the veteran is entirely unable to work or care for themselves. But who decides and assigns the VA disability rating?

Who assigns VA Disability Rating?

There are rating officers who decide or assign your VA disability rating, such as Decision Review Officers or Higher-Level Review Officers, that are located at the Regional Office level or the Board of Veterans’ Appeals. The sort of rating official who issues a disability evaluation is determined by the degree of your case (i.e., the Regional Office or the Board). Adjudicators utilize the VA Schedule for Rating Disabilities to rate each service-connected condition (VASRD).

VA Disability Rating Conditions

After evaluation, the VA adjudicator will assign a rating depending on the Veterans Affairs Schedule for Rating Disabilities (VASRD). It lists every sign and symptom that the VA disability rating scale uses to compare the details of a veteran’s condition to the evidence and claim you submitted.

A condition is rated under an analogous code. The final code will usually look something like this: 8099-8003. This eight-digit number indicates that a condition is being graded similarly to codes 8003 up to 8099. The first four numbers show that this condition is being rated in a similar way to other conditions. 

Sometimes the analogous code looks like this: 5201-5010. In this situation, the ailment is classified according to VASRD (shoulder injury, code 5201), but it does not match the conditions for a minimum grade under that code, so it is classified as traumatic arthritis (code 5010) under back disability VA rating. 

There are various analogous codes that help the adjudicator rate the disability of the conditions. Here are some of them:

Headaches or Migraines

VA disability ratings for migraines are categorized as “cluster headaches” caused by a traumatic brain injury. It can be coded as TBI residuals (code 8045). If it is not, it can be classified as a migraine headache under code 8100. However, if migraines are the result of a mental disorder, then they are categorized differently under a different disability.

Depressive Disorder

The VA disability rating for depression is listed under “Dysthymia” or “persistent depressive disorder” under code 9433. Note that there are other mental disorders that can be accounted for as different disorder.

Back Pains or Traumatic Arthritis

Traumatic Arthritis or arthritis can be categorized depending on findings and other evidence. Arthritis VA disability ratings can be rated under acromioclavicular separation, avascular necrosis of the femoral head, any connective tissue disease, or Legg-Perthes disease.

Total Combined Disability Rating

The following 2022 VA disability rates describe that a 10% disability rating includes 152.64 USD of monthly payments, while a 20% disability rating includes 301.74 USD. Veterans who have 30% or more also vary depending on whether they have dependents. Note that those with a margin of less than 10% to 20% won’t receive a higher rate, whether or not they have dependents.

Following the assignment of a VA Disability Rating per service-connected ailments, the ratings are combined using VA Math to yield the Total Combined Rating. VA math can be perplexing, but remember that the ratings are aggregated rather than totaled. Thus, 30% plus 30% equals 50% rather than 60%. The Total Combined Rating is used to calculate how much money you will earn each month.

Claiming your VA disability compensation would be a tremendous help in achieving recovery and treatment. We at Just4Veterans are committed to helping you file your VA disability claim.

So if you are a veteran who never submitted a claim, submitted a claim but was frustrated with the system, or submitted a claim but was denied, Just4Veterans is here to guide you every step of the way. After your service to our country, it is now time that WE SERVE YOU. If you have any further questions, please email us at [email protected] or schedule a 30-minute call with our veteran coaches here.

Read related article: VA Disability Ratings for Skin Conditions

DISCLAIMER : Just4Veterans Enterprise is NOT an accredited agent, attorney, entity or VSO recognized by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and is not affiliated with the VA in any way. Veterans shall prepare and file their own claim with an accredited representative, who may offer their services for FREE. Veterans may search for and appoint an accredited VSO.