We are thrilled to share the success story of Air Force Veteran Jaren H., guided by the expertise of Coach Tobin Teruya. Jaren’s brief yet impactful service from 2001 to 2002 laid the foundation for a journey towards VA disability benefits that has culminated in a noteworthy win.

Starting from a 0-10% rating, Jaren has seen a substantial positive change in his monthly tax-free compensation. From an initial $0.00, it has now risen to a commendable $165.92, marking a significant step toward financial recognition for his service-related challenges.

This achievement is a testament to Jaren’s determination and the invaluable support provided by Coach Tobin. For veterans seeking similar success, we extend an invitation to take action today. Consider booking a call with Coach Tobin, who has proven instrumental in securing benefits for veterans like Jaren.

Congratulations to Jaren H. on this well-deserved win, and a sincere acknowledgment to Coach Tobin for his ongoing commitment to veterans’ success. Your path to a brighter and more recognized future could be just a call away!

DISCLAIMER : Just4Veterans LLC is NOT an accredited agent, attorney, entity or VSO recognized by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and is not affiliated with the VA in any way. Veterans shall prepare and file their own claim with an accredited representative, who may offer their services for FREE. Veterans may search for and appoint an accredited VSO.