Celebrating Edward D.’s well-deserved victory, who served our nation from 1983 to 2007 alongside his spouse. Today, we proudly announce a monumental victory that Edward waited 15 years for – a triumphant claim success at 80-100% P&T.
Under the dedicated guidance of Coach Fred Justo, Edward’s perseverance and patience have paid off. His monthly tax-free compensation has experienced a remarkable increase, soaring from $2094.15 to an impressive $3823.89. This isn’t merely a financial gain; it’s a recognition of his sacrifices and commitment to our country.
Edward’s story serves as an inspiration, illustrating that sometimes the most significant victories are worth the wait. For veterans navigating their own journey, we extend an invitation to take action. Book a call with our veteran coaches, and let’s work together towards your well-deserved success. Your victory is our shared celebration!